Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday, 17/09/09

Project U92


Today we sort of locked down on the story, what are to be added and what are to be improvised and etc. Here is the updated break down of the story :

Act One
- No changes in Act One's introduction.
- Under conflict, Uranium Boy unleashes fury on City - pending, the others is a go.

Act Two
- Rising Action, interrogation of the old lady is under 'JJF - Just For Fun', so depending on the length of our short film, this will depend whether it'll be featured in the short film or not.
- The rest including the Climax will proceed as normal.

Act Three
- Peace returns to the city, BUT the city is still in a wreck.
- Action Hero showered by citizens will be altered into something perhaps more impactful. So, pending.
- Conclusion, will proceed as stated on your black & white.

List of Characters
Stats and Personalities :

Main Line

Uranium Boy a.k.a. U92-1
- Has gone mentally ill(Brain Gone)
- Disoriented
- Mutated
- Enraged
- The Brawns

Hero, Veteran a.k.a. Denver J. Wilson
- Psychotic Workaholic(Sees danger as fun)
- Reckless(Couldn't be bothered if he died in action)
- Physically : Durable, Hardened over the years of experience

Sub Line

Old Lady a.k.a. Emily D. Fettlestein / Mrs. Fettlestein
- Senile
- Added value in comic relief

The President a.k.a. President Frederick L. Jones
- Two Faced
- Egoistic
- Cunning
- The Brains

Extra Line

- Calm and Collected
- Mundane and boring(routine)

- Like.. pedestrians.

The Military
- Frightened
- Half spirited

Little Uranium Boys
- Peaceful
- Asleep(unaware / ignorant)

- Unaware of surrounding
- Eating food

Spannar Assignment

With the above information, I hope this gives you a picture of how the characters might look like. So get to the drawing board and, well, draw!

Research and Referencing, I've asked Wen San to bring some references that we can use tomorrow, perhaps it could shed some light when designing these characters. If you have stumbled upon a picture, or a site or anything related, feel free to post them here or bring them tomorrow.

Assigment(s) : Create silhouettes and/or sketches of the characters as how you envisioned them. From there on we can move on with choosing the most appropriate looking one. Try your best to create at least 2~3 silhouettes / sketches for each of the characters above.

That way when we round up everyone's sketches, we could end up with at least 115 sketches. : D
So, try your best, and May the Uranium be with you. =)

Deadline : This Saturday, 19/09/09.


For future sketches and artworks, how do you want them to be organized and shared?

1) Using your original Deviantart account, post the sketches / art under scraps and link them here or msn them to me. And I'll update them in this blog.

2) Create a new Deviantart account dedicated to Project U92. Everyone will post everything there.

Cast your vote in the comments / chatbox. 1 or 2.

End of Update.
Thank You.


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